Interactive sector forms standards body

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The Interactive Advertising Bureau has formed a Standards & Guidelines Council on the back of 24% year-on-year industry growth.

“Interactive advertising is the second biggest channel in New Zealand, so IABNZ will continue to ensure our standards are on par internationally,” said chairperson Spencer Bailey. “The council will also help shape IAB policy and initiatives on privacy and data.”

The initial areas of focus for the new council include reviewing current specifications, standards and guidelines both locally and internationally; evaluating the needs of the New Zealand interactive advertising industry and establishing a programme of work for Standards & Guidelines.

Heading the council is VeNa TV general manager Toni Knowles, who says that Standards & Guidelines are important in championing best practices in a rapidly changing digital market. “They are central to helping drive growth of online and mobile advertising. We have a fantastic group of people representing a cross section of our industry functions from sales and operations, to product development and technology. The collective experience of the council members spans many years in our local industry, and we’re keen to demonstrate the value we can offer.”

MediaWorks head of online ad operations Peter Henning is vice chair and will be involved in identifying the resources required around the programme of work.

Council members include: TVNZ senior product manager Brendan Smith, Adslot business director Stacey Perillo, Mobile Embrace head of sales Sarah Kavanagh, and Y!NZ senior ad tech developer Kevin Dowd (with several more to be named).

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