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AUCKLAND, Today: Stanley St – the indie locally owned full-service agency that’s just taken over the business of Ogilvy NZ – has asked M+AD to retrospectively credit its most recent global award wins to the new branding.

“Thanks for the coverage,” wrote Stanley St marketing director Huia Ngapo, referring to yesterday’s report that Ogilvy NZ had won two Golds at Ad Stars in South Korea. “Is it possible to change to Stanley St from Ogilvy NZ please?

“It’s still our work to promote, however no longer our name.”

“Future reports will refer only to Stanley St.”

Ed David Gapes responds: “This request had us flummoxed. The work was entered by Ogilvy – and judged as Ogilvy work. And the Ad Stars news release referred only to Ogilvy NZ.

“On the other hand, there’s no denying the logic of Ngapo’s reasoning. The fact is, Stanley St is now the reality.”

In true journo bob-each-way style, M+AD has updated the moniker in yesterday’s report to “Ogilvy/Stanley St”. Future reports will refer only to Stanley St.

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