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New York ad agency Leroy & Clarkson is advertising its own wares via a viral 4min 12sec blaxploitation parody of the Mad Men television series. 

The funky, 60s-style video is called Don-O-Mite, in which the agency has dived headfirst into the genre made famous by Shaft.

The title character, a kick-arse, gun-wielding, more colourfully dressed version of Don Draper is still the magic man in a struggling creative shop. His supporting cast is made up of amplified takes on the original characters, including Black Peggy Olson (whose proficiency with the spoken word saves the day) and Joan “Sugar Hills” Holloway (whose attitude is surprisingly similar to the original character’s).

While Mad Men (now in its seventh and final season) has occasionally touched on the 1960s civil-rights movement, it has always been fairly lily-white.

The video, which was produced in-house, was first posted in YouTube six days ago.

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