Facebook’s global top 10

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Sports events take three of the 10 places on the Facebook roundup of the most talked-about global topics in 2014 – released this morning by Facebook NZ. Wars, cops, ebola, airline crashes and Robin Williams made up most of the rest.

Unsurprisingly, NZ events were a no-show.

Top Global Topics of 2014 

  1. Soccer World Cup
  2. Ebola virus outbreak
  3. Elections in Brazil
  4. Robin Williams
  5. Ice Bucket Challenge
  6. Conflict in Gaza
  7. Malaysia Airlines
  8. Super Bowl
  9. The shooting of Michael Brown/Ferguson
  10. Sochi Winter Olympics

In addition to this global topics list, Facebook is also releasing the top 10 most discussed topics and top 10 most checked-in places for many countries, and a top global games of the year list.

For more details about each global topic and to see all Faceook top 10 lists, visit these sites …

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