Sports events take three of the 10 places on the Facebook roundup of the most talked-about global topics in 2014 – released this morning by Facebook NZ. Wars, cops, ebola, airline crashes and Robin Williams made up most of the rest.
Unsurprisingly, NZ events were a no-show.
Top Global Topics of 2014
- Soccer World Cup
- Ebola virus outbreak
- Elections in Brazil
- Robin Williams
- Ice Bucket Challenge
- Conflict in Gaza
- Malaysia Airlines
- Super Bowl
- The shooting of Michael Brown/Ferguson
- Sochi Winter Olympics
In addition to this global topics list, Facebook is also releasing the top 10 most discussed topics and top 10 most checked-in places for many countries, and a top global games of the year list.
For more details about each global topic and to see all Faceook top 10 lists, visit these sites …
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