An offer we cannot refuse

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“Thanks for the coverage,” writes Colenso head of activation & PR Paul Gunn, “but get ready to ‘believe’ because we can assure that this was no stunt and 100% legitimate. No ropes, no wires, no trick photography.

Gunn is, of course, referring to M+AD’s somewhat cynical coverage of the V Zero Battle of the Minds levitation exercise in yesterday’s mailout.

Readers will recall that Colenso set out to demonstrate that Kiwis using their mental focus could levitate a 6m shipping container.

MAD ed David Gapes wrote that he was a doubter. “This is an eerily impressive video – but I have to say that if you believe it, you’ll believe anything,” Gapes said.

Now back to Paul Gunn: “Unlike magicians we are happy to explain how the team at Colenso made this concept reality, so if you’d like to come to in and have a go with the prototype (we don’t have room for the container in the office) and talk to the developer about the technology and science behind it you are more than welcome.”

M+AD has accepted this offer – we’ll report back next week.

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