AUCKLAND, Today: Despite their differences, social media platforms and out-of-home media are natural soulmates, researchers discovered in a major US study.
The OAAA Harris Poll (reported via Phantom Billsticker’s Phan Mail) revealed that social media users regularly see out out-of-home advertising in their feeds.
“One is tiny and lives on screens. The other is large and most often found outdoors.”
- TikTok users lead in reporting that they frequently notice out-of-home ads while on the platform (82%).
- Instagram and Facebook are close behind (81% and 80%, respectively).
- More than three-quarters of Snapchat and Twitter users say they often see out-of-home ads in their feeds (78% and 76%, respectively).
- Millennials are the group most likely to post images of out-of-home ads in their social media profiles.
“One is tiny and lives on screens,” comments today’s Phan Mail. “The other is large and most often found outdoors.”
- The report is behind a paywall but you can get the gist here
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