Ad blockers are starting to lose their fans

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American research suggests many consumers are tempted to get rid of ad blockers. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has released “Ad Blocking: Who Blocks Ads, Why, and How to Win Them Back” research. It finds two-thirds of U.S. consumers using ad blockers could be convinced to uninstall them. 

According to IAB, the number one user annoyance are ads that block content.

The report reveals that the top methods for influencing web visitors to turn off blockers include preventing access to content alongside a notice stating that content is blocked because of the use of an ad blocker.

The IAB study confirms consumers – whether currently blocking ads or not – are most annoyed by advertisements that delay or obscure access to website content. Long video ads before short videos were the next most irritating to users, followed by ads that travelled with visitors as they scrolled down the page.

Respondents who use ad blockers reportedly stated the adoption of the LEAN principles (Light, Encrypted, AdChoice supported, and Non-invasive ads), would have the greatest influence in getting them to turn off ad blockers.

Men aged 18 to 34 are the main ad blocking demographic on desktops, and they are also the group most inclined to turn off blocking if sites adhere to LEAN.

One of the study’s surprising results showed that while 40 percent of users believed they were using ad blockers on their computers, only one in four (26 percent) actually used the software. The rest confused built-in pop-up blockers and security software with ad blockers.

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