12 distinguished Kiwis in line for merged RNZ/TVNZ role

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AUCKLAND, Today: Paul Wilson – the former MD at Saatchi & Saatchi NZ & TBWA\ – is favoured as one of the 12 distinguished contenders for the ceo role of the RNZ/TVNZ proposed merger, writes NZ Herald business reporter Damien Venutto in the paper this morning.

“The former Saatchi boss has a strong understanding of the commercial imperatives of the industry, and also has a knack for building strong cultures,” Venutto says.

“As someone with an advertising background, Wilson has experience working with both government and commercial stakeholders as key clients.

“While at Saatchi & Saatchi, Wilson garnered a reputation as a leader who listened to his staff and worked hard to adjust the culture of the agency.

“He introduced flexible work policies and put in the effort to ensure his staff were not burnt-out. He also championed creativity and focused on making developing work that actually resonated with New Zealanders.”

“As someone with an advertising background, Wilson has experience working with both government and commercial stakeholders as key clients.”

“And given that the new brand will have to be built from the ground up, a bit of marketing nous might go a long way.”

The others on Venutto’s list of likely candidates are …

  • Radio NZ ceo Paul Thompson
  • TVNZ ceo Simon Power
  • Radio NZ chairman Jim Mather
  • Sky ceo Sophie Moloney
  • Pango Productions ceo Bailey Mackey
  • TVNZ & NZME board member Sussan Turner
  • Vodafone ceo Jason Paris
  • Former Telecom ceo Theresa Gattung
  • MediaWorks ceo Cam Wallace
  • Craigs Investment Partners ceo Simon Tong
  • Professional director Joan Withers

The job will carry a six-figure salary.

The merger of RNZ and TVNZ into Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media (ANZPM) should come to fruition by the middle of next year, and a ceo appointed in the coming months.

  • Read the full story here

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