Arrivals & Departures: Swedish heavyweight heads to Ikon NZ

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MediaCom Sweden ceo Linus Hjoberg is to join sibling WPP agency Ikon in NZ as joint managing director, working with current Ikon NZ current managing director Emma Bolser, reporting to GroupM NZ ceo Sean Seamer.

Hjoberg will also sit with Bolser on the GroupM NZ board.

“My wife is from New Zealand and her parents live there, so we have decided to move there,” Hjoberg said.

“I have been ceo of MediaCom Sweden for 12 years, and have worked long line consisting of incredibly talented people. Swedish MediaCom has three years in a row got the best ratings from customers in MediaComs global customer research, so I feel we have a strong base to stand on and therefore it does not feel so wrong to stop.”

He says his exact role will become clearer as his move to NZ – probably early in 2016 – moves closer.

“Sweden is in the forefront in communication and digital. I hope I can bring my knowledge of New Zealand and at the same time learn new things.

MediaCom is one of the largest media agencies in Scandinavia, with a turnover of nearly 1.2 billion SEK (NZ$230,239,380).

“From the start of this process, Emma and I were looking to bring a complementary skillset to the business and we’ve done just that,” said Seamer. “Linus’ proven credentials internationally combine well with Emma’s local experience and as a team they form a compelling proposition.

“It’s great that we have been able to attract someone of Linus’ calibre to the market. He has an amazing track record and represents a strong cultural fit for us. We look forward to Linus helping shape the future of not only Ikon, but GroupM in New Zealand.”

Ikon NZ clients include 2degrees, Coca-Cola, Subway and Jetstar. It lost the Kiwibank business last year after the account was brought together with NZ Post.

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