ASA children’s codes review call for submissions

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New Zealanders are being invited to offer their views on advertising to children, including food, in a major review of the compulsory codes of practice for the advertising industry.

Advertising to children is a topic that generates a lot of debate, often with a focus on food. “The ASA and the review panel have a role to play in this debate, as one initiative in the childhood obesity plan announced by Government in 2015,” said ASA chair Heather Roy.

The panel will review the Children’s Code for Advertising Food and the more general Code for Advertising to Children and is supportive of code changes that will protect the rights of children and their health/wellbeing.

The panel is inviting consumers, the advertising industry, media, the health and education sectors and other individuals and agencies to engage with this process over the coming months.

The panel to review the Children’s Codes will be chaired by retired Court of Appeal judge Bruce Robertson.

The members are:

  • Philip Broughton, deputy chair and public member of the Advertising Standards Complaints Board
  • Rob Hoar, general manager ThinkTV and Television Commercial Approvals Bureau
  • Sally Hughes, Public Health Strategic Advisor, Heart Foundation
  • Paula Martin, group manager, sector and services policy, Ministry of Health
  • Jude Walter, director Seen&Heard and marketing, corporate communications specialist

The review panel is calling for submissions to the review with a closing date of Wednesday 13 April. To assist submitters, a consultation paper is available on the ASA website, or by contacting the ASA on 0800 ADHELP (234357).

“The panel welcomes submissions on the operation and content of the codes and matters relating to all advertising to children including food,” Roy said.

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