Out today: The 2016 & 2015 media turnover figures

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The Advertising Standards Authority has today reported that advertising revenue across all main media was $2.572 billion dollars for the 12 months ended 31 December 2016 (the 2015 total was $2.570 billion).

The turnover includes data from television, newspapers, interactive media, radio, magazines, outdoor, addressed mail, unaddressed mail, and cinema.

In March 2016, the ASA announced it would not be releasing an annual breakdown of actual revenue by media sector and a total advertising turnover number. Following agreement within the sector about a change in the reporting format, the numbers are now available.

The members of the ASA are:
ANZA, CAANZ, IAB, Letterbox Media, Magazine Publishers Association, Newspaper Publishers Association , Cinema, Community Newspapers, Marketing Association (Inc), NZ Post, Outdoor Media Association, Sky TV, Radio Broadcasters Association, and ThinkTV.

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