Axis 2016 entry call

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CAANZ has issued the entry call for Axis 2016. A number of changes are on the slate for next year, including fewer categories – achieved by consolidation of older categories, and a number of new ones. Plus a prediction that the 2016 show will reach a wider audience.

“Over the past three years we have made some significant changes to the Axis programme as we strive to ensure it remains relevant to the industry and recognises the best of New Zealand creativity,” says CAANZ ceo Paul Head.

“And this year is no different. As our industry changes and the meaning of the word campaign is ever more diffuse, we’ve made further changes to the categories.

“We’ve consolidated a few old favourites to reduce the number of categories overall. And more importantly, we’ve added several new categories to keep things interesting.”

These include Tech Driven Creative within Digital and Interactive, Design categories including Product Design (tech and non-tech), Brand Experience/Environmental and User Experience.

There is also a separate Innovation Axis to celebrate work that has significantly moved a category forward.

“We expect this widening of categories may bring a wider audience to Axis – which will make Axis more interesting for everyone,” Head says.

“This process has been led by convenor of judges Damon Stapleton and chair Daniel Barnes. My sincere thanks to both of them for their hard work and commitment to the ongoing evolution of Axis and helping it to remain a central part of our industry.

“So best of luck to all the entrants, and here’s to interesting!”


Closing date for entries: 4pm on Tuesday 19 January 2016
Late entry deadline: 4pm on Thursday 21 January 2016 (with penalty)
Hard copy material deadline: 4pm on Monday 1 February 2016

  • Click here to enter here
  • More details here

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