AUCKLAND, Monday: Karangahape Rd-based indie Badger has created a new tvc for online marketplace Joblist, which promotes the “eager experts” standing by to do the jobs viewers can’t.
Joblist is no ordinary service business. Its platform,, enables users to list jobs – from gardening, ironing, handymannery to tutoring, baking and anything in between – and have these completed flexibly by a community of talented workers, all for a fixed price set by the user.
The new 15-second Sonia tvc aims to capture the essence of the platform: For every job you can’t do, there’s someone else who can. The character, Sonia, embodies the someone else who can.
Except, Sonia is not just a character. She’s an actor named Kay, who lives near the Bombays where she tends her topiary gardens and runs her business.
“Kay” has been perfecting her topiary artform for most of her adult life. The technique caught her eye in her early 20s and she’s been working on it ever since. “If you want to be good at this, you’ll need a lot of patience,” she says. “And confidence to make the cut.”
Misplace the cut, and mistakes can take years before they are rectified.
Budding topiarists will want some sharp tools, Kay advises. Not just the usual gear stashed in the garden shed. In Kay’s practised hands old fashioned sheep shears, small scissors and specialised hedge clippers can transform a hedge into an intricate spiral, animal or cloud shape.
“Creating topiary is time consuming and requires a good eye. However, maintaining it is easy.”
The practice of shaping hedges dates back to Roman times and its popularity has waxed and waned over the years.
Kay explains that there is currently considerable interest in topiary in New Zealand, especially among young homeowners who are looking for something special for their first place.
“A good topiary isn’t cheap, though, because it can take up to 10 years to create,” she says. “Should you be lucky enough to get your hands on a piece, looking after it is a cinch.
“Creating topiary is time consuming and requires a good eye. However, maintaining it is easy.
Joblist co-founder Brittany Earl says they wanted something eye-catching to demonstrate the varied problems Joblist can be used to solve. “Topiary is just perfect. Most of us know what it is, appreciate it, but wouldn’t know how to begin to do it for ourselves. It’s a great example of the intricate work you might want to do for yourself, but not have the right skills or equipment to complete.
“Sonia’s uniqueness, and dedication to her craft, echoes Joblist’s values. The start-up offers a unique experience to its users, and the business is dedicated to fostering trust within its online community.”
About Joblist
Launched in May 2018, Joblist is quickly gaining popularity with New Zealanders. More than 1000 jobs have been listed and there are over 8500 active users who are keen to help.
Client: Joblist
Social: Flight Digital
Agency: Badger Communications
Production company: Reload and Smoke
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