Botab – last chance to register

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Calling all the Independent Women and Boys 2 Men – it’s the final countdown to register your band for Battle of the Ad Bands 2016. “Regos close TOMORROW so hurry up!” says CAANZ’s Katie Ward.

“With arguably the best theme ever, Boy vs. Girl Bands and wildcard songs from Bowie and Prince, you’ll want to don your pleather vests and choreograph those dance moves to take away the title of Botab Champions 2016 and a whole raft of amazing prizes,” she says.

“If you need more incentive than basking in stage lights and agency glory, band prizes include an overseas trip for two thanks to Fortis Travel, a joy ride in a fancy BMW, suits from The Syndicate, free drinks thanks to Apex Insurance, and a flash music video produced by Franklin Rd.

“Head over to  and sign up by EOB tomorrow – Friday 29 July.

“We’ll send you your wildcard song, you choose the other two covers, tune your guitars, warm up your vocal chords, and dazzle us on the night.

“Tickets are on sale from Monday 15 August, and don’t worry – we’ve got your groupies covered with all kinds of spot prizes and giveaways!”

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