Boyd PR boss forks out for scholarship at his old high school

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Boyd Public Relations managing director John Boyd has established a PR and communications scholarship at his old school, Southland Boys’ High, in Invercargill.

Known as the Boyd Family Public Relations/Communications Scholarship, in recognition of his father and brother who also attended the school, the scholarship provides a year 13 student with a $2000 grant towards their first year of study.

At the end of the first year the company will then pay for travel and accommodation to allow the student to spend a month at BPR’S office in Newmarket doing work experience.

John Boyd says in today’s fast moving and rapidly changing environment, effective communication is crucial to a company’s performance.

“This provides an ideal career path for students who have a passion and ability in the PR and comms area because the opportunities both locally and overseas are fantastic.”

“I was a very average student but thoroughly enjoyed my time at SBHS and they allowed me to come back to school to complete my education after I took a year off. This is a way of saying thanks.”

He says establishing the annual scholarship is a way of giving back to the school that helped him on his way to a successful career in the industry.

“I was a very average student but thoroughly enjoyed my time at SBHS and they allowed me to come back to school to complete my education after I took a year off. This scholarship is a way of saying thanks and will help a fellow Southlander start a career in an industry I have enjoyed working in for 30 plus years.”

SBHS rector Simon Coe said: “Opportunities like these for students to gain relevant real-world experience along with financial assistance are highly valued by schools, and at Southland Boys’ High School we are very grateful for the support that is offered by our Old Boy network and in this case Boyd Public Relations and the Boyd Family.

“This scholarship and the support it offers will be a vital stepping stone in the career path of one young Southland man each year.”

The inaugural Boyd Family Scholarship will be awarded to the successful student at the school’s prize giving in December.

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