CAANZ introduces new design categories

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Five new design categories have been added to NZ’s premier creative advertising awards show – Design 360, Brand Experience/Environmental, User Experience, and Product Design Tech & Non-Tech – for next year’s Axis Awards at Vector Arena.

“The communications industry is changing rapidly, with lines blurring between creative disciplines that have traditionally been separate,” says CAANZ ceo Paul Head.

“As part of our ongoing evolution of Axis, extending into areas such as design is a natural move given the range of work clients are now asking of their agencies.”

The five new categories are:

  • Design 360: Which recognises visual design and identity that helps build brands. Not a campaign, but long-term design thinking around brand id/livery/vehicle/packaging/communications. Entries could demonstrate the design across these and also in packaging, print, brand collateral, digital content.
  • Brand Experience/Environmental: This category rewards a physical setting that lets the consumer experience a company’s brand through graphics, lighting, architecture and interior design.
  • User Experience: Rewards the overall experience of the user when using a product, system, service, app or website.
  • Product Design – Tech and Product Design – Non Tech: “This is the first time CAANZ has focused specifically on Design within Axis so it’s very exciting,” Head said. “And given the profile of Axis we’re expecting entries from specialist design agencies or other organisations or businesses that wouldn’t have traditionally been part of Axis. And of course, they’ll be very welcome” says Head.

The call for entries is now live. Full entry details and categories for 2016, can be found in the Call for Entries document on the CAANZ website or on the newly launched Axis Awards website


Entries close: 4pm Tuesday 19 January
Late entry deadline closes: 4pm Thursday 21 January
Hard copy material deadline: 4pm Monday 1 February
Category Judging: Tuesday 9 February – Friday 12 February (inclusive)
Awards Show (at Vector Arena): Thursday 10 March

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