Caffeine works!

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Drinking tea has a measurable effect on creativity, according to a report by NZ Herald science writer Jamie Morton, citing recent global experiments that effectively confirm what we all knew anyway – that caffeine really does get the juices flowing.

Chinese researchers invited 50 people to drink black tea or water before taking a test. “The results showed those who drank tea saw a significant and positive effect on their ability to think outside the box,” Morton reported.

The creativity tasks the panel were required to perform included designing a toy factory, and to create new names for a ramen noodle shop.

“These experiments provide proof for what many people have suspected all along”.

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Morton wrote that the upshot of the study – published originally in Food Quality and Preference – was that tea drinking could improve creative performance with “divergent thinking”.

The key ingredient, of course, is the stimulant caffeine – found in abundance in good-quality coffee and tea.

Food Quality and Preference is a globally peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of sensory and consumer science. It is published by Elsevier in The Netherlands, Germany, the US, China, UK, and NZ and Australia.

  • Read the full NZ Herald report here
  • More info here 

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