King St Hamilton has been appointed as media agency by Beaurepaires after a credentials pitch in December. The account was previously held by Dynamo, Auckland.
The account includes digital planning and placement, along with other creative and media activity as required.
“Not many people know that Beaurepaires’ head office is in Hamilton,” says King St ceo Chris Williams.
“So the team worked hard over the last couple of years to bring it home,” he said. “We’ve invested heavily in our digital and creative resource to earn our place with organisations such as Beaurepaires, so we’re looking forward to throwing our full repertoire at them.
“It was a great win for the agency, and fantastic to be working with such an iconic brand,” he said.
Beaurepaires MD Grant Rushbrooke said they were delighted to be working with locals. “We were impressed by King St when they pitched in 2014; they have persisted since then and further impressed us with how they have developed.”
“This is even more proof that there’s a lot happening south of the Bombays,” said Williams. “We can even buy a house for less than $1 million!”
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