You’re invited: Business & Marketing through Economic Uncertainty

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CHRISTCHURCH, Friday: Merrivale agency Harvey Cameron and Bagrie Economics are to host Business & Marketing Through Economic Uncertainty forum – a free event “packed full of value”.

“And,” says Harvey Cameron MD Gareth O’Connor, “everyone’s invited!”

“With economic uncertainty on the horizon for next year and potentially beyond, O’Connor and Cameron Bagrie (ex-ANZ chief economist and founder of Bagrie Economic) spromise they’ll cover the outlook for the year ahead, what businesses and marketers should be doing to better weather what comes and come out the other side in the best possible position.”

“The venue is The Great Hall in The Christchurch Arts Centre on Tuesday 22 November, 9am-11am. Doors open at 8:30am.”

“Using past recessions and periods of economic uncertainty, their experiences during and after them, global research, and the current state of play, Cameron and Gareth we’ll give you guidance and key strategies to put into action to benefit your business.

“Plus, there will be an audience Q&A to finish.”

The venue is The Great Hall in The Christchurch Arts Centre on Tuesday 22 November, 9am-11am. Doors open at 8:30am.

  • Register here to secure your attendance

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