Arrivals & Departures: Clemenger lures DDB NZ star to Melbourne

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Clemenger BBDO Melbourne has enlisted DDB New Zealand creative Nicole Sykes and installed her as creative director across the Ditch.

Sykes, a Kiwi, spent seven years working in London and Dublin before returning to Auckland where she has spent the past five years working for Saatchi & Saatchi and DDB.

With over 17 years’ experience, she’s worked on a range of clients including Sky, ASB, Toyota and Coca-Cola, and during this time she’s been recognised at Cannes, D&AD, Axis, Spikes Asia, The Webbys and The Mashies.

Clemenger Melbourne ECD Stephen de Wolf said: “Nicole is the perfect fit for us here and undeniably a brilliant thinker.”

Sykes said: “I feel excited and privileged to be joining such an outstanding team of clever humans. I have admired Clemenger BBDO Melbourne’s work from afar for many years and am absolutely thrilled to now be joining them.”

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