Colenso idea led to new, natural energy drink

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V is the most popular energy drink in New Zealand, so when Frucor briefed Colenso BBDO on a new campaign for this iconic Kiwi brand the natural expectation was for a regular campaign for their master brand.

However, what Frucor received was an idea for an entirely new direction.

Why? Frucor’s research revealed that people have an increasing need for energy, but a significant preference shift towards products made with natural ingredients is emerging. Colenso suggested instead of producing a new campaign, Frucor should create a whole a new kind of energy drink made with only natural ingredients.

Concurrently Frucor R&D had been working on a concept in this realm, and with added encouragement from Colenso everything clicked into place. This product evolved to become V Pure, a revolutionary energy drink with the same energy hit of V – but made with only six natural ingredients.

Craig Irwin, Marketing Director at Frucor Beverages, explained why they embraced this approach.

“V has been the market leader for years, but at Frucor we know that it’s unbelievably important to stay in touch with what your customers want, and to keep innovating if you want to stay relevant,” said Frucor marketing director Craig Irwin.

“So when we saw the idea for V Pure we quickly applied the energy and resources we needed to make the idea a reality. The initial feedback to V Pure has been outstanding and it has opened up new market segments for the brand, which just goes to prove that you are better to make products that people want than to make them want your product.”

All Colenso had to do then was tell people about it in a way that highlighted the natural properties of the product.

Through OMD’s extensive media strategy V Pure will be launched with a 60-second film that will run on digital channels and cinema only. Accompanied by various other short form edits which will play out online, the campaign also includes OOH and real-world brand activations.

Colenso art director Dave Brady: “After seeing the Coco De Mer X spot directed by Vicky Lawton through Rankin Films, we knew she was right for the job.

“She couldn’t have been more up for it and brought so much to a very ambitious and action-packed production. We really wanted to elevate the tone for V Pure and leave viewers feeling as energised as they would be after drinking a bottle.

“Watch the spots with a bottle of V Pure in hand. You’ll be energised.”

Coco De Mer? Look it up!


Client: Frucor – Craig Irwin, John Alexander, Ursla Bowden,
Agency: Colenso BBDO
Film Company: Rankin Films
Media Agency: OMD
PR Agency: Beat PR

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