Colenso wins NZ’s first Gold Lion

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Colenso BBDO has won NZ’s first 2017 Gold Lion in Cannes – in the Health & Wellness competition over the weekend – for Fonterra Milk Slams.

Clemenger BBDO Melbourne took out the Grand Prix for Transport Accident Commission Victoria’s celebrated Meet Graham.

Earlier, seven entries from New Zealand had made the shortlist stage in the Health & Wellness category …

  • Colenso BBDO, Fonterra, Milk Slams
  • Colenso BBDO, Fonterra, Blank Canvas
  • Colenso BBDO, NZ Breast Cancer Foundation, The Annoying Lump
  • FCB, Testicular Cancer NZ, Go Balls Out
  • DDB Group, Autism NZ, Darwin
  • DDB Group, Autism NZ, Einstein
  • DDB Group, Autism NZ, Mozart

The Health & Wellness Lions celebrate creativity for personal wellbeing and an inspired approach to consumer healthcare, comprising work that publically educates, promotes non-prescription products, allows self-diagnosis or facilitates pro-active personal care.

Health & Wellness jury president Mike Rogers (creative partner, Serviceplan Health & Life, Germany) said: “Since the introduction of Lions Health in 2014, it’s been fascinating to witness the incredible impact the Health & Wellness Lion has had on the industry perception of healthcare creativity.

‘We’ve seen the work flourish and this year’s shortlist showed a range and depth of work, crossing technology and the creative use of data.”

From 2245 entries received in Health & Wellness, 65 Lions were awarded: 14 Gold, 20 Silver and 30 Bronze.

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