Construction gremlins roundup

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justONE has created a new online game for Winstone Wallboards, targeted specifically at Kiwi builders.

Keeping a building project on schedule, on time and on budget is a constant challenge, which can be made even harder with gremlins onsite.

In a building context, ‘gremlins’ can relate to the weather, late deliveries, subcontractors not turning up and defects in products – to name just a few.

Winstone Wallboards GIB Standard plasterboard helps builders avoid these gremlins by providing products, services and support they can rely on, as it’s ideally suited to all weather conditions.

justONE was tasked with developing a campaign to drive awareness for GIB Standard plasterboard by bringing this gremlin analogy to life.

As a result, justONE built an engaging interactive game to showcase how GIB Standard plasterboard sets the benchmark for ensuring building peace of mind.

The GIB Supply Run online game allows players to drive to the building site, grabbing as much GIB Standard plasterboard as they can along the way, while avoiding all the troublesome gremlins (hassles and hiccups) that may get in their path.  Builders play for a place on the leader board, and the top five at the end of the campaign win one of five holiday experiences at Boomrock Lodge in the Ohariu Valley near Wellington.

“We wanted to interact with builders in a fun and unexpected way, by showing them how to eliminate potential onsite pitfalls, and showcase how GIBStandard plasterboard can achieve that,” said Gordon White, Winstone Wallboards market manager residential.

“The justONE team did a fantastic job in capturing this by creating the GIB Supply Run game that also drives strong awareness of our product.”

Ben Goodale, managing director, justONE/.99 said: “Traditional marketing activity for builders has typically been very technically focused. We know that builders are much more receptive to incentives and promotional activity, so we used these insights to build a game that not only allowed us to reinforce Winstone Wallboards’ core messaging, but was also fun and entertaining at the same time.”

The campaign has been launched via Facebook digital banners, eDMs and print collateral. The gameis live until 6 December.


Client: Winstone Wallboards
Market Manager Residential: Gordon White
Marketing Manager: Troy Smith
Agency: justONE
Creative Director: Stu Hinds
Creative Director: Drew Ayers
Mac Operator: Justin Biddle
Account Director: Paula Castle
Account Manager: Kath Doubleday
Head of Digital Production: Kevin Akers
Senior Digital Producer: Wictoria Markula

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