Creative epicentre of Europe could shift

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Gloom, hope and confusion in equal measure when the US-based Midas Awards polled its international network of agency and industry creatives for their views on how Britain’s historic exit from the European Union might impact the ad world.

Aussie agencies were included in the poll – but no NZ agencies.

“Brexit highlights the need to think beyond any national or regional borders, and to have global vision,” said Ken Muir, Founding Partner, Mohawk UK.

“This isn’t good news for our creative friends and colleagues across the pond, but on a purely mercenary level, Brexit had an immediate effect on the affordability of European creative talent thanks to the huge drop in value of the Euro and the British Pound,” said Charles Coxe ,Co-President and ECD, Saga USA.

“Uncertainty on the part of European clients also means that there is more talent freed up to work on projects based in the United States. We have seen these (hopefully temporary, for their sake) benefits firsthand.”

Frank Izzo, CCO, Blank Page Ink USA said, “I do not see any positive effects on the creative side. The opportunities will be outside the UK as the creative epicentre of Europe could shift.”

“Our agency has global clients based in the UK, as well as clients in the US, continental Asia and Australia, and these are particularly  vital to us given the short term uncertainty,” added Muir,” If we were solely reliant on UK-centric clients, I think we might be concerned about opportunities in the future. Thankfully, that’s not the case at Mohawk.”

Daniela Vojta, SVP, Creative Director, McCann XBC New York said “There’s a great divide in the UK and brands have a chance to tap into people’s psych and send them a message that they understand what they are feeling. They can be provocative or earnest, but it could be a time to take risks and take a stand.”

Dylan Taylor, Creative Partner, The Dylan Agency Australia said, “From a client’s perspective, there’s more uncertainty, as everyone waits to see how Brexit plays out. More uncertainty normally means less consumer spending, so more marketing will chase fewer pounds.”

Ian Henderson, Creative Director for UK’s AML Group cited short term uncertainty and delayed decisions and budget freezes as potential client side changes, in addition to some reluctance by EU based clients to appoint UK agencies due to uncertainty over longer-term trade deals, adding that although lower costs may help this. Henderson also mentioned the possible eventual relocation of FS and related clients from London to Paris, Frankfurt, etc. as potential changes.

Anna Karena, Creative Director, Wunderman Bienalto Australia commented, “Britain’s own brand as a nation is so iconic – a million globally seen analogies and ideas must have been built off it. The texture for re-defining this, modernising, re-inventing is the most exciting blank canvas and deeply rich creatively.”

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