CricHQ taps Kevin Roberts

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Kevin Roberts has taken a new direction in the next step in his post-Saatchi career – he’s been appointed chair of Wellington-based global sports tech company CricHQ. Roberts has invested a million NZ dollars, so has bought himself some decent skin in the game.

“The experience I’ve had working in the advertising industry over the past few decades and seeing how an industry changes, evolves and grows really mimics where the tech industry is heading,” Roberts told M+AD (in an email exchange).

“I’m excited to have been invited to chair a company in an industry that itself is going through rapid maturity. There are a number of parallels between the advertising industry and the tech industry; namely we have to lead not follow while being mindful of the latest trends, and we must always have a clear vision for the future of what we’re doing.

“CricHQ is on the cusp of something very special – the team have built a platform that will provide huge value for participants in the world’s second most popular sport.

“Baseball has the same DNA as cricket, and the monetisation of data and content in baseball is huge and serves as a model for cricket, the difference being that cricket is an order of magnitude bigger than baseball.

“CricHQ has revolutionary technology and design that is making this sport better for all participants, and offers significant ways for other sports to organise globally.”

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