DDB NZ shoots ANZ Sanitarium Up&Go campaign

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A new TVC for Sanitarium’s Up&Go products will be airing in both Australia and New Zealand for the first time this month. The 30-second spot has been created by DDB NZ, as part of a wider campaign to drive reappraisal of Up&Go as a source of ‘the right type of energy’.

This is the first piece of work DDB NZ has created for Up&Go, since securing the Trans-Tasman business in October last year.

DDB & NZ production company Eight created two versions of the spot – one for the Kiwi market and the other for the Aussie market. The NZ version is featured underneath the heading (above). Scroll down to the link for the Australia version. Both are similar, but with different voice artists.

The campaign recognises that the world is becoming faster and more demanding, and that people need ‘the right type of energy’ to keep pace. It calls on consumers to reassess what they know about Up&Go, demonstrating how its products provide the energy required to tackle everyday challenges with ease.

“We wanted a campaign that demonstrates the benefit of our products to consumers, and have been delighted with DDB’s approach.”

DDB CCO Damon Stapleton said: “The spot uses humour to drive this message home, encouraging its audience to consider Up&Go in a light-hearted, non-judgmental style.”

As well as a 30″ and 15″ TVC spot, the campaign consists of out-of-home, radio and online video.

Sanitarium’s Auckland-based Transtasman marketing manager Jessica Manihera said: “Few people realise that not all energy is equal. Most people gravitate towards energy sources that don’t deliver much in the way of nutrition.

“Up&Go products are low GI, and with their combination of protein, fibre and essential vitamins and minerals make it the right type of energy.

“We wanted a campaign that demonstrates the benefit of our products to consumers, and have been delighted with DDB’s approach.”

Damon Stapleton said: “The right type of energy is the first piece of work we have produced for Up&Go since starting work for the Transtasman business in October 2017. By putting the spotlight on a universal, everyday moment, I think we’ve struck a great humorous note and hope this resonates with both Aussies and Kiwis.”


Client: Sanitarium
Transtasman Marketing Manager: Jessica Manihera
Senior Brand Manager – UP&GO: Jaemes Tipple
Brand Manager – UP&GO Australia: Rebekah Lagan
Brand Manager – UP&GO NZ: Kurtis Geering
Advertising Manager Australia: Sharon Green
Marketing Assistant: Ashleigh Conroy
Agency: DDB New Zealand
Production Company: Eight
Executive Producer: Daniel Higgins
Director: Miki Magisiva
DOP: Marty Williams
Post Production Company: Eight
Post Production Online: Toy Box
Editor: Alex O’Shaughnessy
Soundtrack/composer/Music: Library music

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