2017 DM summit – speakers & ticket prices

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This year’s New Zealand Direct Marketing Conference will be held in the Auckland CBD at the Crowne Plaza on Tuesday 29 August, between 9am and 5pm.

Speakers booked to date include the Content Brewery Australia founder Malcolm Auld (the international keynote speaker on Why is programmatic so problematic?), SpeakData MD Paul Hickey (World Masters Games 2017), Affinity ID strategy VP Chris Macdonald (How do we save email as a channel?), and Trustpower marketing communications manager Carolyn Schofield (Challenging the norm: Successful communication to match disruption and growth).

More speakers will be unveiled shortly. The emcee is NZI Insurance customer experience manager Emma McLean.

How much?
The “early bird rate” is $695+gst for non-members, and $395+gst for members. This special rate ends Friday 14 July, when ticket prices rise to $735+gst for non-members, and $415+gst for members.

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