Drunksense makes sense to ORCA judges

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Drunksense made straightsense to ORCA judges this month with Mike Ramsay and Mariona Wesselo-Comas from JWT taking out the January award. Drunksense was created for Auckland Transport to relay the message when you’re drunk dumb things make sense … like driving home.

This ad leveraged the closeness and openness of dialogue that happens within friendships and used humour to deliver a smart message. Check it out here.

To further support this campaign Mai FM created two videos including their breakfast announcers Nickson and Nate. Showing that Drunksense can be okay as long as you get home safe. The videos were a hit with their audience getting over 50,000 views so far. Check them out here.

The ORCA judges loved it, naming it their latest winner “Great insight – you don’t have to be a slurrer to be unfit to drive and a good little toolkit for dealing with people talking rubbish,” said judges Josh Lancaster & Jamie Hitchcock (Assignment Group).

And the origin of this strange word? “Drunksense largely came from trying to understand Mariona’s accent,” said Ramsay. “She constantly sounds drunk.”

The JWT creative team pick up the $500 and a limited edition Martin Horspool certificate and a $5000 radio schedule for Auckland Transport.

The Grande ORCA’s are approaching in May with the trip for two to Cannes up for grabs. To enter the ORCAs visit www.trb.co.nz.

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