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The Experiential Marketing Association has voted to roll its activities and resources into the wider CAANZ fold. “With the creation of a new Experiential sub-committee within PRESCom, the discipline will retain a focused and dedicated voice, while becoming integrated into a strong body representing the full spectrum of communications agencies, many of whom count experiential amongst their offerings,” said PRESCom deputy chair Mark Pickering.

“They will meet bi-monthly and continue to work on industry initiatives such as events and showcases but now with the significant resources and support of CAANZ and the PRESCom.”

The move is intended to future-proof the experiential industry, Pickering says.

“EMANZ has been an active and vocal advocate for the experiential channel over the past eight years and has driven many initiatives for its 23 members,” he said.

“These have ranged from working with councils on street marketing bylaws to promoting best practice by sponsoring the experiential category for Axis and the Effies.

“EMANZ leaders have also promoted and educated clients and industry by speaking at numerous seminars, workshops and events in NZ and Australia.

“In recent years there have been a number of developments in the experiential space and as such it was felt a change was needed to ensure the discipline continued to have an active and strong voice but one that was more integrated with the wider communications industry.

“Since quite early in EMANZ’s existence, the organisation has been closely aligned with CAANZ and more specifically with the PR, Social and Experiential Committee (PRESCom).

“A number of EMANZ members have sat on this committee for some time meaning that questions have quite rightly been raised about the viability and logic of the industry effectively having two bodies representing it.

“Thus EMANZ have been engaged in discussions with Paul Head and PRESCom chair Megan Clark to discuss bringing together both committees in a way that best benefits the industry as a whole, as well as those who volunteer their time to advance its interests.”

Mark Pickering is chairman of EMANZ, deputy chair of CAANZ PRESCom, and director & creative strategist at Brand Spanking.

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