Facebook demos TVC-to-mobile tips

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Facebook Creative Shop has this week posted a program sharing creative tips on how to adapt low-budget TV spots for mobiles.

With three-quarters of all video views happening on mobile today, adapting existing assets for mobile environments is an increasingly attractive strategy for brands.

“Every major brand has a TV commercial but not every TV commercial is optimised for the mobile environment,” says Facebook Creative Shop global story director May Seow.

PockeTVC is a low cost, low barrier approach to assets that brands already own, for the mobile audience,” she said.

“We’ve found that the more committed we are to experiment and deliver clear messages that delight, the better we will do in the mobile environment.

A fundamental rethink
Most TV commercials have a linear story arc revealing brand or benefit only at the end. If the scrolling speed of mobile is averaging at 1.7 seconds, we must fundamentally rethink the first few seconds and capture attention quickly with our most arresting frames.”

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