Tailored appointed NZ Fashion Week’s 2023 digital marketing agency

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AUCKLAND, Today: With the announcement of the August return of Aotearoa’s prestigious fashion event on the annual calendar, New Zealand Fashion Week has appointed Auckland marketing agency Tailored Studio as their digital marketing partner.

Tailored will manage social media end-to-end for the event; overseeing digital paid advertising and organic social media for Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

Tailored’s support will focus on reaching new audiences, building awareness of the event and encouraging ticket sales; aligning with NZ Fashion Week’s new inclusive attendance strategy, welcoming both trade and consumers to shows. 

Tailored co-founder/director Diana Marshall said: “We are honoured to be a partner of New Zealand Fashion Week, a truly iconic event that we have missed these past three years.

“At Tailored, we thrive on connecting with a brand and bringing their stories to life. As a boutique marketing agency with a portfolio of fashion-focused clients, the partnership with NZFW feels perfectly suited to our wheelhouse, and the energy from the new NZFW team is infectious; spurring us to deliver an exciting and fresh social media mix. 

“It was such a delight that NZFW shares our enthusiasm to include TikTok in their social media strategy.”

“We are so pleased that there is a recognition between us of the importance of balancing brand with digital marketing, and look forward to adopting a well-rounded social media strategy.”

Tailored co-founder/director Chenae Davies said:“We know that the best success with social media comes from a balanced approach of organic and paid advertising, with each supporting the other to succeed, and look forward to executing a dynamic and fresh approach to content for New Zealand Fashion Week.

“It was such a delight that NZFW shares our enthusiasm to include TikTok in their social media strategy. Both are aligned in a commitment to relevance, accessibility and inclusivity.

“It is an essential way to share information with the next generation of fashion lovers, making insider information widely accessible.”

“Expect to see wide-ranging coverage in the lead-up to, and live from the event, across all social platforms including a backstage perspective, designer interviews, and live streams from the runway.

Where & when
New Zealand Fashion Week runs from Tuesday 29 August until Saturday 2 September at Viaduct Events Centre.

About Tailored
Tailored is a full-service marketing studio providing brand, digital, and comms support.

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