Ghost of Catmurs past

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A thoughtful Xmas gift from Barnes Catmur & Friends has had M+AD’s boffins scratching their heads for the past few days.

The gift came wrapped in a copy of pages from the NZ Herald, dated Friday 13 November 1865 – which itself is dodgy because, according to our research, the 13th of November in 1865 was a Monday!

What really caught our eye was a sketched image of a dude who bears a strong resemblance to a similar recent drawing of Paul Catmur – over a heading (“AND A FURTHER POINT”) which in turn is very similar to the words that run under the Catmur drawing.

The old NZH text reads: “Foremost Auckland advertisement professional speaks about the demise of sandwich boards, and why newspapers are the future.”

Confused? Well, we are!

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