Grey’s refugee app ‘a terrible fake’ – but still wins at Cannes

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Grey Singapore’s I Sea app to save refugees from drowning, which Aussie site Mumbrella says was called out as a fake by technology experts yesterday, has been removed from the Apple Store and criticised by the client for not working, but has been awarded at the Cannes Lions earlier this week.

The app, which supposedly enables people to scan the Mediterranean for stranded boats carrying fleeing migrants, is no longer available for download on Apple Store.

The app, created by Grey’s philanthropic arm Grey for Good for the Migrant Offshore Aid Station, was rounded on by tech writers on Twitter who tested it and found that, among other flaws, an old screenshot was repeatedly being presented as a live image of the ocean, and the weather reading was bogus. One software developer described I Sea as a “terrible fake”.

But Mumbrella says the app yesterday won Bronze Lions at Cannes.

Grey has not responded to repeated requests for comment, but a statement on the agency’s website declares that the app is currently in “testing mode”.

Mumbrella has approached Cannes Lions for comment over the legitimacy of the app.

  • Read the full Mumbrella story (written by Robin Hicks) here

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