What starts as #Fun can quickly become #Unfun – that’s the message the Health Promotion Agency are using to reach out to at-risk gamblers in a campaign developed in partnership with GSL Promotus.
“It’s a sensitive subject,” says GSL Promotus MD Leigh Graham. “Gambling harm is often hidden but can escalate quickly. And when it gets out of hand it can damage relationships, whānau, finances and hopes for the future.”
Around 225,000 are estimated to be experiencing some degree of harm or negative consequences related to gambling. Unfortunately, many never contemplate what adverse effects their gambling could be having on them or their loved ones.
The new Choice Not Chance campaign aims to get people to think about their situation and check whether their gambling is okay by taking an easy quiz at www.ChoiceNotChance.org.nz.
Leigh Graham explains “This new campaign takes a preventative approach. The idea is to intercept people before they get to a tipping point, before the real harm begins – and gets them to ask themselves ‘Is my gambling still just for fun?’ ”
The campaign includes television, digital advertising and social media activity, and is timed to generate momentum for Gambling Harm Awareness Week (4 to 10 September).
There are two TVCs playing during the Fun/UnFun campaign – a 30 sec TVC called Night Out and 45 sec TVC called The Race.
Both were produced by Thick as Thieves Auckland, and helmed by WellingtondDirector Michelle Savill. Both ads use local Wellington talent.
The Race
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