HOT tip: Contagion or Colenso

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House of Travel has narrowed down its creative agency pitch to just two – Contagion and Colenso BBDO.

Marketing director Ken Freer told M+AD there were originally seven agencies in the running. After a credentials presentation to the pitch panel, this was shortened to three, including Y&R (later eliminated).

The HOT pitch panel consists of three people, of whom Freer is one. (Freer joined HOT in December last year, from Fiji Tourism where he was director of global marketing and acting chief executive).

Tourism House of Travel is a significant advertiser, with an annual adspend of around $10 million (40% Facebook, 30% traditional channels, 30% other online channels).

Freer, who has worked previously alongside both Colenso and Contagion, says each agency has now been commissioned to work on separate projects.

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