Ideas to save the planet

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DDB NZ has unveiled a celebratory global campaign – running out of DDB shops in more than 90 countries – to promote an initiative encouraging ideas on how to better the planet. 

DDB Worldwide is at the heart of the launch of #EarthDayDDB, a crowdsourcing social campaign to promote the preservation of the planet through creativity and ideas. The global campaign was created by DM9DDB Brasil.

“Creativity will always be a source of change,” said Juan Carlos Ortiz, president of DDB Latina and creative chairman of DDB Americas. “We’re facing a generation who understands that small individual actions can contribute to global change, who understands the power of ‘we’ and how their united voice can generate massive change.”

Aricio Fortes, CCO of DM9DDB, said: “The core of the idea is to give the opportunity to everyone, of any part of the world, to think about the problems our society is facing in terms of the preservation of the Planet, and to think about a solution. The result will be a sort of different diagnoses and creative ideas to make the Earth a best place to live.”

Based on the idea that each person is an agent of change to contribute to the planet’s wellbeing and with the belief that ideas have the power to reshape things around us, DDB Worldwide is convoking [look it up] its more than 200 offices in over 90 countries, as well as the agency’s social media audiences, to create the biggest “Twitter Brainstorm” of all time.

The #EarthDayDDB campaign encourages people to send their best ideas to help and preserve the planet to @DDB_Worldwide, using the event’s official hashtag, #EarthDayDDB. As people take part in the campaign, a select group of creatives from DDB will respond to the ideas with guidance for how to make the program(s) come to life. At the end of the day, DDB’s global creative council will choose the winning idea and will make a promise to promote the program within the organisation, as a commitment of DDB towards preserving the planet.

The campaign will consist of a website (, featuring a video manifesto to create awareness and invite people to contribute to the cause. The website will also include a social stream capturing shared inspirational ideas across DDB’s channels and the social media landscape at large. A selection of great ideas from the program will be posted on the website in order to generate an idea bank to serve as inspiration for the DDB Network and its partners.

  • To learn more, follow the #EarthDayDDB campaign here: @DDB_Worldwide

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