If the strategy is wrong, the creative cannot be right

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Cannes Titanium & Intergrated Lions jury member Ted Lim, the chief creative officer for Dentsu Asia-Pacific, has singled out Colenso’s DB Export Brewtroleum work as one of the three standouts at Cannes.

The others were Panasonic Life is Electric (Dentsu), and REI #OptOutside (Venables Bell & Partners).

“I was on the Titanium and Integrated Lions jury chaired by Sir John Hegarty – and we had the opportunity to look at some of the best work that was also entered in other categories,” Lim told Campaign Asia-Pacific.

“All three campaigns employed a brave, unconventional strategy (if the strategy is wrong, the creative cannot be right),

“All three campaigns went beyond the advertising conventions of creative expression and execution.

“All three campaigns started conversations on social media, caught the attention of major news networks, and capture the public’s imagination.

“All three posted positive results (try the Print & Design categories if you don’t have any).

“All three were packaged well, and told well.”

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