justONE solves client data dilemma

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After careful market analysis and dialogue across clients and partners, leading Auckland 1-1 agency, justONE, has launched ONEview – described my MD Ben Goodale as “an exciting and unique data offering”.

ONEview will feature a range of data solutions enabling clients to make better sense of their data by combining smart thinking to the latest data visualisation tools, CRM platforms and analytical techniques.

“Data has been a big growth area for the agency, which ultimately culminated in the launch of ONEview,: Goodale said.

“Every two years, over the last three decades, the amount of data in the world has increased tenfold. We kept hearing people say how hard it was to get any real insights from their data, and others simply not knowing where to start in terms of turning data sets into actionable marketing material.

“Digital technology has made data much bigger, and in the eyes of many, much more complicated, when it doesn’t need to be. We wanted to ensure our clients got the most out of the information they obtain and hold, so that they could better understand how to use that data to influence customers and their behaviour more effectively.”

Through the ONEview offer, justONE can provide services ranging from data strategy and insights, analytics, single customer view, through to recommending the best marketing automation platform, using proprietary data planning tools, or a tool facilitated from one of their partner networks.

“Because our team work across the entire data implementation spectrum, we can also see how data gets used from a more practical point of view, as opposed to a theoretical one,” Goodale said. “From there, we can shape insights and creative solutions using the information gathered from our view of these data sets.

“Being part of the Clemenger Group means justONE can leverage global group resources, and access some of the big data tools sitting inside these different organisations.

“ONEview is configured for clients who want someone who can help them get useful data fast, rather than capturing information to sit gathering dust in servers.”

justONE is also listed on the Marketing Association Data Warranty Registry and has a ‘Data Warranted’ accreditation. “This means personal information from clients is treated with respect and privacy, in compliance with New Zealand best practice standards with data,” Goodale said.

About justONE
Established in 2006, justONE is an award-winning one-to-one and digital agency with expertise in CRM, Loyalty, 1-1, Retail, Database Marketing, Direct Response and more. justONE works with some of the country’s top brands and is part of the Clemenger Group, Australasia’s largest, most successful marketing communications company comprising more than 50 diverse advertising, marketing and related specialist units in Australia and New Zealand.

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