PARIS, Thursday: What are under-13s doing on social networks? French agency Heaven made some startling discoveries when they asked Euro kids the question via the Génération Numérique Association’s Born Social study.
In France, there’s an official minimum age for using most social networks. It’s 13 – and is widely ignored.
The objectives of the 7th annual Born Social study were to explore the behaviour of thse “invisible” users, to draw up a portrait of a generation born with social media and to understand their relationship with brands.
“The most used application among the children surveyed remains YouTube at 59.5%.”
This 2022 edition of Born Social brings new insights …
- time spent on the phone is more of a concern than ever before: 45% of children surveyed are aware of time tracking apps.
- Furthermore, 4 out of 10 children equipped with these apps consider that they themselves spend too much time on their phone.
- regarding the use of platforms, despite the ban on under-13s, 87% of them now regularly use at least one social application.
- 52% of children surveyed said that their parents geolocate them with their phone. Only 34% reported this in 2020.
- the use of messaging apps (such as WhatsApp, Messenger) is now ahead of SMS.
- the most used application among the children surveyed remains YouTube at 59.5%.
- the top three social networks also remain unchanged: Snapchat (54.5%), TikTok (44.2%) and Instagram (23.6%)
- 48% of children say there is too much advertising on social networks
- regarding the metaverse, 71% say they don’t know what it is and 16% think it’s “useless”.
This edition of Born Social also included a Green & CSR focus, in which we learn that 8% of children say they have had nightmares about the planet and that 88% of them feel concerned about the planet’s evolution.
This study is at the core of the agency’s purpose, which relies on its knowledge of emerging digital behaviours to design campaigns that get to the heart of Internet users’ conversations.
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