KPEX reaches 7 in 10 Kiwis on desktop, rules the mobile roost

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“Following Nielsen’s online net ratings data release, many were questioning where KPEX sits in the picture, so we take a look at comScore’s picture of the top 100 desk top and mobile properties among NZ consumers.,” writes b2b marketer Michael Lams.

KPEX is Kiwi Premium Advertising Exchange, the NZ advertising exchange established last year by Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, NZME and TVNZ.

“On desktop, there is no surprise to see Google sites in front, but KPEX is currently the second-placed entity for reaching Kiwis, with a reach of 2,542,000 unique visitors, or 72% reach of the internet population,” Lams says.

KPEX boasts a lead over the third-placed property, Microsoft sites, of 160,000 people, and a lead over Facebook, lying in 4th place, of 574,000.

“The results amply demonstrate that the combined audiences of NZ’s leading news sites offers a mass scale alternative to their global rivals. Microsoft’s sites grouped together (including Bing, MSN and Skype), in third spot, themselves outstrip Facebook by 415,000 – or a full 11% reach points.

“KPEX is Kiwi Premium Advertising Exchange, established last year by Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, NZME and TVNZ.”

“Also revealed in these comScore numbers is the plethora of international sites, showing their importance in Kiwi media consumption.”

Although Google and Facebook are not present in the mobile web rankings – due to the absence of mobile panel data for NZ – KPEX again shows its dominance, with over 2 million unique users accessing via smartphones and 429,000 via tablet.

“The strength of the NZ news sites Fairfax, NZME and TVNZ is also clearly in evidence, as they make up the next largest mobile sites.”

comScore desktop figures combine panel and tagged data to provide a unique visitor number. Mobile results are calculated based on tagged data only.

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