Labour taps Running with Scissors 

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Auckland indie agency Running with Scissors has been working with the New Zealand Labour Party to create their campaign for the 2014 election. This information comes in a release from RwS, effectively laying to rest earlier reports (including ours) that the party was not releasing details about its agency partners.

“The campaign encourages New Zealanders to Vote Positive, with the messaging based on a platform created by RwS to represent and communicate the core values of the Labour movement,” says Labour campaign manager David Talbot.

“The execution shuns traditional negative politics to focus on the people the Labour Party pledges to represent – everyday New Zealanders.”

RwS boss Andy Mitchell said: “Even before the latest revelations, our research showed New Zealanders were fed up with politicians simply sniping at each other. Labour has always been about putting people first and we believe the creative executions encapsulate that perfectly.”

David Talbot: “I’m really proud of what we’ve done here, and the positive attitude displayed throughout by RwS and the whole team has been truly refreshing. They understand Labour, they understand what we stand for and most importantly what we want to achieve for the people of this country.”

RwS also produced TVCs and radio in Te Reo, a first for Labour during an election campaign, and worked closely with Young & Shand to integrate the core message across digital platforms

“To date the campaign has been very well received,” says RwS account director Afashin Saffari. “To be honest we were inspired by the vision and commitment of David Cunliffe and his party.

“Working with people who are genuinely passionate about New Zealanders and New Zealand has been an amazing experience.”

Labour’s Vote Positive campaign went live on Wednesday 20 August.



Client: Labour Party
Campaign Manager: David Talbot
Creative Agency: Running with Scissors
Boss: Andy Mitchell
Head of Business: Roger Shakes
Director of Development: Afshin Saffari
Senior Account Manager: Catherine Williams
Producer: Lisa Walker
Creative Director: Bob Moore
Art Director: Justin Wood
Senior Designer: Will Handley
Designer: Michael Currie
Production Company: Flying Start
Director: Chris Clark
Director: Rob McLaughlin
Producer: Sam McCauley
Media Agency: Bloodhound Media
Media Director: Selena Mihaljevich
Digital Agency: Young & Shand
Managing Director: Duncan Shand
Strategy Director: Ian Howard
Senior Account Manager: Aoife Murphy
Sound Design: Franklin Road
Composer: Mahuia Bridgman-Cooper
Director: Jonathan Hughes
Photography: Reload
Photographer: John McDermott
Producer: Kate Bridges
Print Production: Static Communicate
Production Manager: Simon Skelton

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