With Easter just days away, Colenso BBDO and client Spark have collaborated on a new social campaign, #NoEggLeftBehind. This campaign aims to help families track and find their Easter eggs in the free time they have over the holiday weekend.
Spark says it’s identified a “nationwide problem” that over the years has seen thousands of Easter eggs abandoned. “Sadly,” says Spark comms assistant Anaru Tuhi, “many Easter eggs are being left behind in hiding spots that not even the best egg hunters can find.
“So to help stop this mass egg neglect, Spark will be initiating a conversation on how to track and find Easter eggs effectively over the Easter period.”
“The campaign will showcase how, with the right combination of technology and customer input, we can solve some huge problems. Finding lost Easter eggs and minimising environmental waste is a win for Spark and a win for New Zealand.”
Tuhi says Spark will be rolling out a series of posts on social media to encourage potential egg hiders and hunters to consider how they track down eggs that might otherwise be left in “the harsh New Zealand sun, caught by southerly winds or demolished by the stray neighbourhood cat”.
Spark is asking New Zealanders to share their best egg hunting tips to encourage others who may have given up the hunt to get up and find every morsel of chocolate hiding in their backyards.
The best tips and tricks from will go in a draw for an egg tracker pack and other Easter treats.
Client: Spark
Spark project lead: Daniel Burnside
Communications Manager Social: Frith Wilson-Hughes
PR: Anaru Tuhi
Agency: Colenso BBDO
Project Lead: Hugo Parcell
Creative: Alex Polglase
Creative: Joel Francis
Strategist: Jamie Wong – Strategist
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