MDS AdSchool Bootcamp places moving fast

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Auckland’s Media Design School holds its AdSchool Bootcamp on Tuesday 27 January 27 at 5pm. The deadline to apply for a fast diminishing number of places is Monday 9 February.

“Each year, we keep a handful of places open in January for all those daredevil, take-it–to-the-wire sort of applicants,” says AdSchool CD Kate Humphries. “Our experience dictates it, because many of those late applicants (God bless ’em) have gone on to become our most successful and award winning grads.

“So if you’re interested in ideas; if you want a career as a commercial creative; or if you’re over formal academic learning and fancy instead a fun and frentic-40-week do-it-or-die vocational course, then sashay up to our reception next Tuesday on the 16th floor of the Media Design School building (92 Albert Street).

“We’ll give you a peep at the inner workings of NZ’s top creative AdSchool and I will answer all your questions about the school, the application task, and the industry.”

“If you want to fill out your AdSchool application then and there, we’ll guide you through the process.”

Food and drinks will be provided.

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