New Zealand won five Merits and one Silver Pencil at The One Show in New York on Friday – compared to Australia’s haul of two Gold Pencils, two Silvers and Bronze (they didn’t even bother to count their Merits).
Ogilvy & Mather Auckland won NZ’s only bullion – a Silver Pencil in Innovation in Radio for Auckland Council A Kauri Cries.
The Merits
- Colenso BBDO Auckland scored one in Online Advertising-Banners for Amnesty International Amnesty Unblocker.
- Ogilvy & Mather Auckland also won a Merit (in Craft – Music / Sound) for Auckland Council A Kauri Cries.
- Resn Wellington’s came in the Self-Promotion category.
- Clemenger BBDO Wellington’s Merit was for KiwiRail The Conscious Crossing.
- FCB Auckland’s Merit came in the Social Media Page by a Brand category for Water Safety NZ’s The Swim Reaper.
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