Nadia (the magazine) cooks up a storm

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Bauer Media’s Nadia magazine – the only eponymous NZ title built around a TV foodie star – is now No 1 in the women’s health & lifestyle category, according to the ABC March circulation audit, released by the publisher.

With an average net circulation of 43,161* copies per issue, the bimonthly also ranks No 2 for audited non-weekly retail titles, behind the Australian Women’s Weekly NZ edition. “Never before has an original launch been so successful in New Zealand,” says ed-in-chief Shelley Ferguson.

“Since its launch in October 2016, Nadia has delivered stellar market results,” she says. “The first issue performed well above expectations and was subsequently reprinted.

“The magazine’s performance has been bolstered by a strong digital and social platform, 100% domestic retail presence, a dynamic marketing campaign (which at the time of launch delivered over 10.3 million touch points), a rapidly growing subscriptions base and a distribution partnership with My Food Bag which sees each issue of the magazine being delivered to premium and desirable My Food Bag customers.

“Nadia Lim inspires people in many ways, so Bauer wanted to explore how it could take the magazine beyond food content.”

“The success of the title reflects the degree to which it resonates with readers. Nadia magazine targets affluent New Zealanders aged 25-49 seeking simplicity and convenience, who strive for balance, love local, have a passion for food and a healthy lifestyle. Its focus is on healthy and happy living which has been organised into six key editorial pillars: Food, Well-thy, Fast & Fresh, Community, People & Entrepreneurs and Adventure.

“Yes, Nadia Lim is known for food, but with a website, extensive social media following, cookbooks, a TV presence plus being the My Food Bag ambassador, she’s already got the food category covered. Nadia Lim inspires people in many ways, so Bauer wanted to explore how it could take the magazine beyond food content.

“The layout and design of the magazine is also a key to its success with a colour palette inspired by nature being created for every issue. I wanted a design that made people really feel something, be transported somewhere, make some kind of emotional connection in a positive way,” Ferguson said.

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