NZ film techos launch new Blue Book, vote for new moniker

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The NZ Film & Video Technicians Guild is changing its name to the Screen Industry Guild, following an endorsement from 89.3% of the 149 votes cast by a third of all NZ guild members in online poll.

The full name of the ‘new’ guild is the Screen Industry Guild of Aotearoa New Zealand Inc.

The process of amending the guild constitution, as well as creating a new brand identity to coincide with a new website, and imminent launch of the new Blue Book*, will now begin and is intended to be completed by the end of 2017.

“As the New Zealand screen industry continues to go from strength-to-strength, the guild hopes that the name change and rebrand will also encourage new members to join from within our local screen industry community,” said NZFVTG/SIGANZ vice-president Sioux Macdonald.

TVC shoots
Formally incorporated in 1988 the guild is a non-profit professional organisation which represents the interests of film & video technicians and allied creative skills in the New Zealand screen production industry. Currently the guild has nearly 400 full members, many of whom work in TVC production.

“The new name is one the majority of members feel better embodies the current and future focus of the guild as well as being more inclusive of those who work in the wider screen industry today,” Macdonald said.

“It means we can also still refer informally to ‘The Guild’ without confusion moving forward.”

A full article about the name change process and its history will feature in the next issue of NZ Techo magazine. “There’s no reason why this can’t remain the name for our official publication, as a nod to our heritage, either,” Macdonald said.

*The Blue Book is the standard reference document of best practice processes for the engagement of screen production crew in New Zealand.

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