Thanks Comms Council. Deckchairs in order

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AUCKLAND, Today: Hunch managing partner Michael Goldthorpe writes: “It’s been fun to follow the semi-stoush between the Comms Council and ‘all of the councils’ through M+AD.

“If you haven’t caught up, here’s a summary: Client has some work they need done. Comms Council gets miffed about pitches before Christmas. Client extends deadline for ad-industry holidays.

“Thanks to the eagle-eyed input of our industry union, the deadline has been extended, the deckchairs have been shuffled and we’ve all got an extra week to put a plan together. Phew. 

“But did we really crack the biggest problem? Without being impertinent, was the timeline really the biggest issue with this pitch?

“We were stoked with the extension.”

“Did we notice that the money on the table is barely enough to understand the problem, let alone solve it? Did we worry that the brief had eight different objectives? Are we stressed about the fact that the sharp focus on costs will trigger a Dutch auction that will devalue the work we all do?

“Nope. We were worried about having a holiday. Excellent.

“Don’t know about anyone else, but we were stoked with the extension. Parkinson’s Law kicked in. We relaxed into it. And the cost of throwing a hat into this particular ring promptly doubled.

“Thanks for fixing the deck chairs Comms Council – we’ll keep an eye out for icebergs.”

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