Newshub takes headlines to the street

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MediaWorks has launched a new Newshub campaign with a dynamic headlines feed on Adshel digital screens around Auckland.

The campaign promotes the company’s recently integrated news offering as live feed headlines from Newshub appear on Adshel Live digital screens across Auckland’s CBD.

Each appearance is rotated to show live NZ news, world, sport and entertainment headlines with accompanying images, on a smartphone. It aims to encourage people to download and check the Newshub app on their phone to stay up to date with all the latest news and information.

“With Adshel Live’s digital screen network, we are able to promote our product like never before,” said MediaWorks news & current affairs marketing executive Will Seal.

“The network gave us the perfect platform to showcase the benefits of Newshub – up-to-the-minute news updates and accessibility.”

Adshel general manager Nick Vile said: “Adshel Live offers advertisers the ability to provide dynamic, engaging messages to their target audience. Through this campaign, MediaWorks had the ability to update content 24/7 with uninterrupted and fast access to web content.”

Meanwhile, Vile says Adshel will be expanding its Adshel Live network across Australia and New Zealand by 825 screens from this year; and the launch of Adsmart, an ad-serving platform which gives brands the flexibility to manage their own digital-out-of-home creative based on time of day, place, audience, context and business needs in real time.


Media agency: Spark PHD
Creative Director: Ant Farac
Art Director: Shane Bosnich-Wood
Marketing Exec: Will Seal
Developer: Kevin Dowd

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