No M+AD Monday

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AUCKLAND, Today: Monday (6 February) is a public holiday to celebrate Waitangi Day, which marks the anniversary of the initial signing – on 6 February 1840 – of the Treaty of Waitangi, NZ/Aotearoa’s founding document.

Which means, of course, M+AD will not be published – but will return on Tuesday.

The first Waitangi Day was not celebrated until 1934, and it was made a national public holiday in 1974.

“Most Rangatira drew their moko as their signature.”

Ngāpuhi Rangatira Hōne Heke was the first to sign, followed by Captain William Hobson, and around 40 Pakeha colonists and rangitira.

The Treaty was then taken around the country by British officials and missionaries to collect more signatures. Most rangatira who signed drew their moko as their signature.

Hōne Heke’s act was intended to show displeasure at the British government, yet not threaten the European settlers.

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